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Ways To Improve Your Home Security For The Winter
It’s no coincidence that as the nights start to close in more quickly, the number of homes that are burgled increase.
To raise awareness of this issue, October is National Home Security Month.
Held annually, the official website for the initiative offers householders lots of home security advice to help them make their properties as thief-proof as they can.
Any home can be targeted, including yours, so put it out of the reach of thieves with three of the best home security tips we can offer:
Install a working burglar alarm
Everyone has a burglar alarm at home, right? Wrong! Only around a third of UK homes are alarmed, which is undoubtedly a major reason why a burglary takes place every 106 seconds in this country.
It’s silly not to have a burglar alarm as you can buy and get a bells-only, silent, dialler or wireless alarm fitted for as little as £200.
It could save you as much as £3,000, which is the average cost of a burglary.
Some homes just have a dummy alarm, but a savvy thief will easily identify one as a fake.

Don’t leave out a spare key
You’re playing a very dangerous game if you regularly leave out a spare key somewhere outside. Who knows who’s watching you when you do it?
If a burglar were to find a spare key, let themselves in and steal your stuff, you will have a very hard time trying to claim back the financial damage on your home and contents insurance policy.
The much safer option is to get a spare key cut for everyone who needs one and stress to them that they mustn’t let it go astray.

Fit new secure windows and doors
Your windows and doors need to be strong enough to withstand external pressure, which will be down to both the frames and the locking system they have.
To see if they possess the necessary strength, lock them all, go outside and give them a good push to see if they move. If any movement is detected, it’s time they were upgraded.
Brand-new double or triple glazed windows and doors have robust frames and more advanced locking mechanisms as suggested by Low Rate Lockmsith in Walnut Creek, so there’s no moving them when they’re locked.

If you need new windows and doors, there’s never been a better time to buy them from TradeMark as our autumn sale has just started – you can make a massive saving. Visit our Special Offers page for details and to get a FREE quote.