Our New Home Edit Magazine Has Launched

There are very few home-related publications that exist nowadays if you’re on the lookout for home improvement inspiration, and those that remain come at a cost.

Get Your Free Home Edit

So, we decided to create our own, and guess what? It’s completely FREE of charge.

It’s been christened ‘Home Edit’ and is a 28-page magazine that’s full of home makeovers designed to show you how our products, design and installation skills have helped to transform a plethora of properties.

And not just that.

Issue one of the Home Edit also has advice for those needing help with buying new windows and doors, gives you the lowdown on the latest home trends and provides answers to the hottest topics.

We’re confident that you will become immersed in it.

Download the Home Edit here and do the old-fashioned thing of printing it off if you want some reading material for the train or bus.


Join us at our showroom in Woodley in the suburbs of Reading, to browse our products in person and speak with our team of advisors and designers about your next home improvement project.


Want to speak with an Advisor? Give us a call on 0800 30 50 30

Our friendly team will be pleased to help with any questions you may have.
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