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3 Things You Can Do At Home To Attract More Natural Light
For your home to feel bright and inviting for both your family and your house guests, it needs lots of natural light entering into it. This can also aid your physical and mental wellbeing and positively influence your mood.
Now that we’re in touching distance of spring and will soon be forwarding our clocks an hour, you want to capitalise on that and ensure your home receives as much of the extra sunshine as possible.
It will do if you take steps to improve light transference. TradeMark can offer some advice on how to make that happen.
Switch to slimline aluminium windows
It’s through your windows that your home will capture the most amount of light and they’d capture far more of it if you get slimline aluminium windows fitted.
The glass in these windows almost fills the whole design as the aluminium profile is unbelievably trim, far more slender than a traditional window profile. Great at enticing light, you will also be treated to an amazing external view.
As a material, aluminium is up there with the very toughest of them, but it’s still simple to mould and that’s how it’s possible to make the window frame so slim. Once fitted, the difference they make will be vast.

Attend to any external obstructions
Proper gardening duties need to start again in spring and whilst giving your lawn its first cut for a few months, you should also cut back any trees, plants or bushes that are blocking light.
Doing so will make a world of difference, and with the added light you will also receive added warmth, enabling you to be less reliant on your boiler and saving you money.

Install a skylight or roof windows
Could you be taking more advantage of the sky? If looking to have a solid roof put on your conservatory or orangery, include one or more roof windows to keep the space well-lit.
Most roof windows also have an opening function, which you’ll be able to use on those lovely, warm summer days.
A more dramatic alternative would be to commit to a roof lantern or skylight, one huge glazed facet incorporated into the ceiling of a room.
Either product will flood it with sunlight thanks to their crisp lines and angles, and you can stipulate the use of tinted glazing to reduce glare, amongst other things.

It would be a very bright idea to ask TradeMark for a FREE quote for new aluminium windows or anything else that will encourage light indoors. Just click here to get it organised.