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3 Methods Of Reducing The Threat Of Condensation
We get a lot of people contacting us at this time of the year asking for our advice on how they can tackle condensation, because it’s often when it begins to appear on their windows.
It does need to be dealt with as the worse it gets, it increases the likelihood of mould and mildew forming on windows, and once they set in, it can potentially be damaging to your health, causing things like respiratory issues and body irritations.
We’re happy to report that dealing with condensation isn’t that complicated. You just need to change certain home habits and take the most appropriate steps, such as these:
Better ventilation
Too much warm air in your house can be a major cause of condensation, so you need to improve your ventilation, however you can.
The easiest way to do that is to leave some windows open whenever you’re having a hot shower in the bathroom and doing the same when cooking in the kitchen. You can have a peek here for the bathroom services.
A flow of fresh air will fight it off, and you should also make use of any extractor fans you have.

Drying clothes outside
The winter cold isn’t quite here yet, and we’re still getting the odd days of nice weather, which you should use to your advantage.
How? By hanging your washing outside to let it dry, rather than throwing it in the tumble dryer or putting it on your radiators.
It will cost nothing to dry them this way either, saving you money on energy, which is handy as energy costs are going up for many in October.

Low-level heating
Condensation is the result of warm air colliding with the cold surface of glass.
You shouldn’t see it as much if you keep your heating on at a low level for sustained periods, instead of frequently turning it up and down at different times of the day.
It’s the recommendation of the Energy Saving Trust that you keep the internal temperature in winter at around 18 to 21 degrees.

If these tips have very little effect, you need to get some new energy efficient double or triple glazed windows installed.
TradeMark is the leading window supplier in Berkshire, Hampshire and Surrey, so why not come to us for them? We’ll price them up for you. Just ask for a FREE quote.