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3 Home Trends That Are Set To Really Take Off In 2021
The New Year could mark a new start for you and your home. By that we mean that you could switch up your interior and put a completely different stamp on the place.
It can be an enthralling experience, and if you execute the makeover successfully, you’ll love living in your home more than ever.
But you need some ideas first. The Internet is always the best port of call for inspiration, and there are hundreds of interior design blogs you can gather ideas from.
We’ve done that ourselves and discovered 3 big home trends for 2021 that you really ought to know about.
At some point in your life, you’ve probably thought about what it would be like to live out in the countryside and experience a lifestyle very similar to the Larkin family in ‘The Darling Buds of May’.
There’s a real cosy feel to this style of living and it’s one that people are looking to emulate in their homes by introducing the cottagecore theme in their living spaces.
Cottagecore is very much inspired by the thought of the countryside, green hills, farmlife etc. and just requires some floral prints, a display of vintage china and a classic wooden kitchen table for family meals.

Home Offices
Working away from the traditional office became a normality in 2020, and millions of office workers will have to carry on WFH well into 2021.
The response to this has been a significant jump of interest in permanent home offices as it can be difficult trying to work productively in a makeshift office in the bedroom or kitchen for some people.
Having a permanent office built onto your home also gives you the option of creating it bespoke to your needs, giving you an input on its overall functionality, style and positioning.

We’re over the selfie craze now. This year will be all about the ‘shelfie’.
It’s a hashtag that’s being used a lot on Instagram by users who are posting pictures of their very fanciest shelf full of various colourful objects (porcelain, ceramics, candles, glassware) that have been strategically organised to look super pretty.
You won’t get many ‘likes’ if you just chuck things on your shelf without much thought. A ‘shelfie’ must be well-considered, with your colour choices all nicely bouncing off each other.

Have a look through the product range we offer at TradeMark for further inspiration, and if there’s something you’d like for your home improvement project, just request a FREE quote for it.